single assets meaning in Chinese
- Portfolio investing has proved to be a better way to maximise return whilst helping to limit the risk factors . in order to avoid significant capital loss from a single asset , this strategy facilitates purchase of a diverisfied mix of securities . a balanced portfolio typically holds 30 or more securities to smooth out the course for steady growth
投资组合已证实是在有限风险下取得最大回报的好方法,要避免个别投资失利带来不可弥补的损失,这策略分布资产于不同证券产品之上,通常一个平衡组合可持有30个或以上证券产品,以令增长走势更加平稳。 - Article 16 with regard to a hedging by the portfolio of assets or liabilities with similar risk characteristics , each single asset or liability among the portfolio shall undertake the hedged risk simultaneously , and the changes in fair value of each single asset or liability in the portfolio resulted from the hedged risk shall , by and large , be expected in proportion to the holistic changes in the fair value of the portfolio resulted from the hedged risk